Low ferritin levels

Further investigations and immunology issues.

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Low ferritin levels

Hi ladies
I am starting my second cycle, after a failed cycle with a total of 7 blastocysts transferred. I had intralipids, steroids and inhixa during the last two transfers as I have a high cytokine ratio.
I had never checked the ferritin level before, but I did last week after my agopuncturist said that low levels can cause infertility. It resulted 22 which is slightly above the minimum. But for fertility, I saw that they recommend above 50, some even above 100!!
Not sure this is related with the immunology problems... but felt I could ask this question in this group. Anybody has experience with this? I should start Wednesday the buserelin and I hope they won’t say I need first to address this issue. I am over 40, and I want to do the second collection asap, time is running ☹
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