Feeling stupid.

Tense, Nervous, Want to strangle your DH??? You are not alone...

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Feeling stupid.

Hello all,

I know I don't have to explain the feelings of insanity and desperation I've got on this tww, because it is likely you are feeling something similar?! But, I fear i may of unlocked new levels of crazy. I'm currently 10dpfet using two embryos, our last embryos. I still haven't bought any preggo tests for test day, but i did find two old ovulation strips at the back of the drawer. They went out of date in 2022. I still peed on one. It didn't show anything and I have now spent the entire afternoon crying because its all over. OPKS can detect pregnancy was my thinking. And at 10dpt I was dead certain something would show by now. A fainty. Something. So many test WAY earlier than this & it shows up. In my previous cycles AF showed her face and I then knew it was over. This time I'm not sure if I'm on too much progesterone which may be suppressing AF arrival.

I feel insane, I am on a heap more drugs this time so i feel like im extra emotional with a side of insane. Also... Isn't it so cruel that you can't reliably symptom spot either? Because it's just the progesterone bla bla. I've had way more in terms of symptoms this time too. Cramping, nausea, back ache! Anyone out there offer any words? :cry:
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Re: Feeling stupid.


So sorry you’re in that horrific mental space that a transfer can take you to. My only advice is that you’ve got a few more days to go to OTD and if you phone the clinic and explain where your head is at, they actually might move your test forward (insane I know…) I had mine moved twice because I found myself in a similar state.

Take it hour by hour, sleep as much of this time away as possible and treat yourself for every 12pm you see until OTD. Only then will you know what’s happened and begin to move forward however you need to.

If you were to test over the weekend would you accept the result in your mind? If I ever tested early, I would end up going test mad until OTD - I don’t know what’s worse - testing once or testing a lot?

Go easy on yourself. This is horrendous and I think day 10 is the absolute worst of it all. So be proud you’ve almost completed it.
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Re: Feeling stupid.

Thank you for responding. This is the loneliest club in the world so being able to vent on forums really is a god send. Especially as we've mostly kept this transfer private with only my mum and my bestie knowing.
Can you explain what it is you mean by bringing the test forward- were you offered a blood test as part of your official test? All I'm to do is an at home pregnancy test and then phone with my results. I will probably test again on Sunday to be absolutely sure- and this time with a proper pregnancy test! I just feel I know now after what happened today. And I know what you mean about testing loads, that's why I didn't have any tests in the house the temptation would be too much!!!! :x
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Re: Feeling stupid.

Hi girls,
Megan, I feel like testing with an old ovulation stick is possibly making you feel worse than testing with a pregnancy test would, because now I’d be wondering if it really is negative or the ovulation stick no longer works. I think if you’re feeling that stressed I’d prob test at this point butttt I did test early. I am 10dpo today and have been testing positive since day 5 although very faint. Yesterday and today though I’ve had what feel like period pains and now I’m going under wishing I didn’t test early. Also discovered I’ve only been taking half the progesterone I’m supposed to but care say it won’t have done any harm.
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Re: Feeling stupid.

Hello Kelly,

Yeah I do have a little bit of niggling doubt, mainly cos when I used to use the OPKS I never seemed to get lines anyway!! I've felt different on this transfer, lots of twinges and cramping, but im not sure if that can all be put down to progesterone or not. Google is on the fence about that one! I'm generally not an early tester, I'm far too scared.
Sorry to hear that you've not been taking enough progesterone.. have you got enough so you can take some more? I wasn't prescribed enough oestrogen tablets and I called my clinic and I got a swift delivery! Good that you have had a positive since 5dpt.. fingers and toes crossed for you! From what I've read those little period type pains could just be the embryo nestling in, especially if it's couple with a positive xx
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Re: Feeling stupid.

How are you getting on Megan? Did you test officially yet?
I’ve got my first scan booked in, still have cramps here and there but I think it’s normal
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