Hi All
Josie so pleased that your flying high. Its fab when you just know its right. I only had to look at his pic and I just knew it wouldnt have mattered what the profile said. I have just been looking at the court paperwork online got to find 160.00 thought to send off with it and as working tax credits still havent paid up I am not in a position to do that. Anyone any ideas how I can move them along its been nearly 10 weeks now since I sent my paperwork in.
Nice to hear from you Elizabeth. Hope all the family are ok.
We went to my parents in Wales in the hols last week had a great tim he loved it and didnt really want to come home LOL. Off on hols to cornwall in 2 weeks hoping the weather stays good.
Right off to pick him up from school now. He was so excited to go back this morning normally I have a toil getting his suncream on but this morning he was a gem. LOL.
Hugs to all.
Sar xx
Adoption Angels 2010
Moderator: Administrator
Hi Everyone
Sar - good to hear all is going well. Have you tried asking the LA to pay the court fee? They will want you to do the official bit so if you tell them you dont have the spare cash they may pay it. Some LAs do pay/reimburse so definately worth asking.
Josie - exciting and nerve wracking times
Yes, I've almost finished the diploma now, just half a unit left to finish before the 3rd July. Am waiting for 9 units to be marked!!! but everything I've had back has been good. The hard bit will be getting a job
but I'm not looking to start September now as DD starts pre-school and I need to settle her. January would be good as it will give me a bit of time to myself and I'll continue to volunteer.
Hi to everyone else. I am potty training DD and she is doing fab
DS is causing a lot of stress at the moment at home but OK at school. Its so exhausting.
Mel xxx
Sar - good to hear all is going well. Have you tried asking the LA to pay the court fee? They will want you to do the official bit so if you tell them you dont have the spare cash they may pay it. Some LAs do pay/reimburse so definately worth asking.
Josie - exciting and nerve wracking times

Hi to everyone else. I am potty training DD and she is doing fab

Mel xxx
After years of tx and heartache we are having a family via adoption. 2yr old DS moved in June 08, AO granted 18/12/08 - A Forever Family
Dec 09 starting again for #2
May 10 approved for #2...Found our daughter, can't wait to meet her 

Thanks Mel, sorry to hear your little one is causing stress. I hope that he is settling down. Glad to hear your DD is doing good with the potty training.
I have had social worker visit today and asked her if she can write a letter to the tax credit people to see if that works. I have written one and I am getting her to add one from her to it and send it off. I am sick of waiting.
Went to a meeting at LO's school the other night it was the first time I left him alone with anyone. I told him I was going to a meeting and my brother was looking after him and he just said ok can he read me a story! LOL. He was really good.
Hope everyone else is ok and doing fine
Big Hugs to all.
Sar xx
Thanks Mel, sorry to hear your little one is causing stress. I hope that he is settling down. Glad to hear your DD is doing good with the potty training.
I have had social worker visit today and asked her if she can write a letter to the tax credit people to see if that works. I have written one and I am getting her to add one from her to it and send it off. I am sick of waiting.
Went to a meeting at LO's school the other night it was the first time I left him alone with anyone. I told him I was going to a meeting and my brother was looking after him and he just said ok can he read me a story! LOL. He was really good.
Hope everyone else is ok and doing fine
Big Hugs to all.
Sar xx
Sar x
Hi everyone
I hope everyone are well. I haven't posted anything since November regarding our adoption journey I have been a bit rubbish in that department lol. I have still been following everyone's journeys from the beginning.
I'm sorry it's a bit of a me post but I'm very excited to say we got a yes at panel today and both me and DH are over the moon and emotional. Also it has been a bit hectic before panel as we have been link to a little one and all being well should be going to MP in three weeks time and we can't wait to be parents. We are going down to meet FC tomorrow with our SW what kind of questions did everyone else asked to give us some ideas, I know quite a few already but my head is spinning and it would be good to get some suggestions xx
I hope everyone are well. I haven't posted anything since November regarding our adoption journey I have been a bit rubbish in that department lol. I have still been following everyone's journeys from the beginning.
I'm sorry it's a bit of a me post but I'm very excited to say we got a yes at panel today and both me and DH are over the moon and emotional. Also it has been a bit hectic before panel as we have been link to a little one and all being well should be going to MP in three weeks time and we can't wait to be parents. We are going down to meet FC tomorrow with our SW what kind of questions did everyone else asked to give us some ideas, I know quite a few already but my head is spinning and it would be good to get some suggestions xx
Hi Lemon,
Wow - what a lot of news all in one go! Congratulations to you both. We recently met the FC's (lovely people) and asked about routine / brand of washing powder / favourite foods / what equipment we would need / what possessions would child come with / fc's favourite personality trait of said child / what do they really like / what scares them / how did they react to contact / medical questions / opinion of whether child is meeting milestones developmentally / what soothes child etc.
That gives you a start. You will find that questions just pop into your mind as you start talking, but we forwarded questions beforehand for FC to look at.
We saw a video and I blubbed - I could hardly talk for the first 5 minutes!
Wow - what a lot of news all in one go! Congratulations to you both. We recently met the FC's (lovely people) and asked about routine / brand of washing powder / favourite foods / what equipment we would need / what possessions would child come with / fc's favourite personality trait of said child / what do they really like / what scares them / how did they react to contact / medical questions / opinion of whether child is meeting milestones developmentally / what soothes child etc.
That gives you a start. You will find that questions just pop into your mind as you start talking, but we forwarded questions beforehand for FC to look at.
We saw a video and I blubbed - I could hardly talk for the first 5 minutes!
Good Books for little one to read
Hi All
Well after a year of discussion we have decided not to get involved with any more IVF treatments and instead pursue the adoption route ... we are very excited. We have been in touch with the local authority where we are moving to and will hopefully be starting the process when we move up there at the end of next month. Anyway in the mean time I was wondering if anyone has any good recomendations of books that we could read with our 4 and a half year old DD to help her understand what its all about?
Thank you
Mrs C x
Well after a year of discussion we have decided not to get involved with any more IVF treatments and instead pursue the adoption route ... we are very excited. We have been in touch with the local authority where we are moving to and will hopefully be starting the process when we move up there at the end of next month. Anyway in the mean time I was wondering if anyone has any good recomendations of books that we could read with our 4 and a half year old DD to help her understand what its all about?
Thank you
Mrs C x

- Posts: 1568
- Joined: Sat Oct 20, 2007 11:35 am
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Welcome mrs c. Not got time to give enough info now but I know the other girls will be on soon with lots and I will try and get on later. The thing that jumped into my mind is to start getting involved in clubs and things, you will need to demonstrate two key areas 1) your support network, friends family and some local and 2) your experience with child care so get borrowing your friends and family's children or get involved in brownies, scouts, kids clubs etc
It may be your'e moving in to area and already have these things in place but if not start thinking about how you can do these things.
It's exciting times!!!!
Ask away....
Elizabeth hope.
It may be your'e moving in to area and already have these things in place but if not start thinking about how you can do these things.
It's exciting times!!!!
Ask away....
Elizabeth hope.
Hi Mrs C, and congratulations on coming to a decision.
REally sorry but I am planning a lesson observation for tomorrow and have reports due in on monday, so I can't write more, but to give a couple of book refs:to get you started ...
Caroline Archer - Tiddlers and Toddlers - First step in parenting the child who hurts
Caroline ARcher - Tykes and Teens - Next step in parenting the child who hurts
Renee Wolf - Adoption conversations
Helen Oakwater - Bubble wrapped children
Dan Hughes - All books (although his are less reader friendly - hard going)
All books very interesting - some to dip in and out of, but some i read straight through - really easy to read and very useful.
Thats all for now,
Hi to everyone else xxxxx
REally sorry but I am planning a lesson observation for tomorrow and have reports due in on monday, so I can't write more, but to give a couple of book refs:to get you started ...
Caroline Archer - Tiddlers and Toddlers - First step in parenting the child who hurts
Caroline ARcher - Tykes and Teens - Next step in parenting the child who hurts
Renee Wolf - Adoption conversations
Helen Oakwater - Bubble wrapped children
Dan Hughes - All books (although his are less reader friendly - hard going)
All books very interesting - some to dip in and out of, but some i read straight through - really easy to read and very useful.
Thats all for now,
Hi to everyone else xxxxx
Thank you so much for your replies.
Elizabeth Hope we have a little girl already .. the result of our first IVF. We luckily have a fantastic network of support both from family and friends and our little one is involved in lots of clubs etc. I am also a paediatric nurse so have quite a lot of childcare experience! Where we are moving to is nearer to our parents and also my best friend is going to be close by which will be great.
Thanks for the books advice josie ... I will have a look.
Mrs C x
Elizabeth Hope we have a little girl already .. the result of our first IVF. We luckily have a fantastic network of support both from family and friends and our little one is involved in lots of clubs etc. I am also a paediatric nurse so have quite a lot of childcare experience! Where we are moving to is nearer to our parents and also my best friend is going to be close by which will be great.
Thanks for the books advice josie ... I will have a look.
Mrs C x

Hi Josie
I hope you are well...thanks for the tips regarding questions for FC it was a good meeting very emotional as we saw the DVD of LO again and all the photos. FC made us a folded card with a photo of LO on the front and back plus inside a letter regarding LO her likes and dislikes etc... Couldn't stop crying!
How is it going with you do you have a date for MP for your LO...exciting times ahead. We will be going to MP in less than three weeks and we have got to put together a DVD and photos to go in Tomy talking photo book so looking forward to making them.
Mrs C...I hope you are well Tiddlers and toddlers is a good book to read, I'm reading it at the moment.
exciting times ahead starting the adoption process. We went with a VA and we started Home Study in November last year and did the prep groups every Saturday in Jan and carry on with HS until April/May and went to panel last week.
It has gone quick for us as our SW link us with a LO in April which she said is unusual but she felt it was a very good match to let go.
I wish you all the luck in the world xx
I hope you are well...thanks for the tips regarding questions for FC it was a good meeting very emotional as we saw the DVD of LO again and all the photos. FC made us a folded card with a photo of LO on the front and back plus inside a letter regarding LO her likes and dislikes etc... Couldn't stop crying!
How is it going with you do you have a date for MP for your LO...exciting times ahead. We will be going to MP in less than three weeks and we have got to put together a DVD and photos to go in Tomy talking photo book so looking forward to making them.
Mrs C...I hope you are well Tiddlers and toddlers is a good book to read, I'm reading it at the moment.
exciting times ahead starting the adoption process. We went with a VA and we started Home Study in November last year and did the prep groups every Saturday in Jan and carry on with HS until April/May and went to panel last week.
It has gone quick for us as our SW link us with a LO in April which she said is unusual but she felt it was a very good match to let go.
I wish you all the luck in the world xx
Hiya Lemon,
Wow that matching panel is so soon! You really have been very quick through approval and matching - 5 gold stars to you and your SW! We will also be going to matching panel in the next month. Starting to get so nervous. Glad that the questions for foster carer helped. I can relate to the emotions on seeing videos. I was such a blubbing mess that I couldn't even get the names right! lol. Luckily I didn't make a show of myself by sobbing so much that i had snot bubbles! Ha! What are your ideas for your DVD? We haven't done ours yet and I was just wondering what other people did in theirs?
Mrs C - I just realised you meant books for your daughter- The teazles baby bunny is lovely. As is 'A mother for chocco'. And if you are a soppy mare like me, you'll be in tears reading them!
Lots of love to all my other buddies - hope you and yours are well xxx
Wow that matching panel is so soon! You really have been very quick through approval and matching - 5 gold stars to you and your SW! We will also be going to matching panel in the next month. Starting to get so nervous. Glad that the questions for foster carer helped. I can relate to the emotions on seeing videos. I was such a blubbing mess that I couldn't even get the names right! lol. Luckily I didn't make a show of myself by sobbing so much that i had snot bubbles! Ha! What are your ideas for your DVD? We haven't done ours yet and I was just wondering what other people did in theirs?
Mrs C - I just realised you meant books for your daughter- The teazles baby bunny is lovely. As is 'A mother for chocco'. And if you are a soppy mare like me, you'll be in tears reading them!
Lots of love to all my other buddies - hope you and yours are well xxx
Hello Lovely Ladies
And welcome to new folk who I've not met before.
Lovely to hear your news, Sar and Josie
. Really pleased that things have progressed so well for you both.
It's been sooooooooo long since I've been on here. I honestly don't know where the time has whizzed to.
Little Wobally has been with us for 14 months now - but it feels like he's been here forever. All's going really well now. He's almost finished his first year at school and, most days, he really loves it and is getting on great.
It's not all been plain sailing - and I'm sure I look 10 years older than I did 14 months ago
- but we wouldn't change him for all the money in the world. He fits just perfectly.
We toyed with the idea of going through the process again for another little one but we've decided we're all happy and settled as we are so we are going to 'stick'!
Will drop in again soon and check how everyone's doing.
And welcome to new folk who I've not met before.
Lovely to hear your news, Sar and Josie

It's been sooooooooo long since I've been on here. I honestly don't know where the time has whizzed to.
Little Wobally has been with us for 14 months now - but it feels like he's been here forever. All's going really well now. He's almost finished his first year at school and, most days, he really loves it and is getting on great.
It's not all been plain sailing - and I'm sure I look 10 years older than I did 14 months ago

We toyed with the idea of going through the process again for another little one but we've decided we're all happy and settled as we are so we are going to 'stick'!

Will drop in again soon and check how everyone's doing.
Hi everyone I hope you are all well.
josie: I do feel it has gone quick for us and sometimes I don't get chance to catch my breath!! DH and I are so nervous about MP it's unreal, I'm worrying my self to death if they so no as we have both grown really attach to LO and can't imagine life without her even though we haven't met her yet.
We are working on the DVD and Tomy talking photo album this weekend and have a few ideas but we will see how it will work out when we start filming. I will let you know what we did after weekend to give you a few ideas xx
josie: I do feel it has gone quick for us and sometimes I don't get chance to catch my breath!! DH and I are so nervous about MP it's unreal, I'm worrying my self to death if they so no as we have both grown really attach to LO and can't imagine life without her even though we haven't met her yet.
We are working on the DVD and Tomy talking photo album this weekend and have a few ideas but we will see how it will work out when we start filming. I will let you know what we did after weekend to give you a few ideas xx
Hi Lemon,
We are also getting nervous about matching panel, although the SW assures us it is unlikely that it would be anything but a yes. You still worry don't you - (just in case somebody has a different opinion). Such a life changing day. One day without family, the next with! And I know exactly what you mean about getting attached to the LO's - it would be difficult not to when you are sent photos and videos and have read so much about them, and the FC's have 'brought them to life' by talking about their little ways and personalities.
Did anyone else find the time between being linked and having matching panel the hardest? Just wondering as I am literally ticking the days off, and I am sure the hours too! Because you feel (like Lemon said) that you can't imagine life without them, it feels strange that they are not with you already.
Good luck doing your DVD today Lemon. I await your ideas! I know how important it is for the LO's to see you, hear your voice etc. DH says he feels a bit of a numpty doing a dvd, but then we don't have to watch it time and time again - its the poor FC's who do!
Wobally - lovely to hear from you, and I can not believe it has been that long already - you're a veteran now! And I am sure you only look 10 years older in your mind - you'll just look like a normal tired but beautiful and happy mummy to everybody else. Congratulations to little wobally for doing his first year at school bless him.
Got to rush off now, but love to everyone else, and keep posting!
We are also getting nervous about matching panel, although the SW assures us it is unlikely that it would be anything but a yes. You still worry don't you - (just in case somebody has a different opinion). Such a life changing day. One day without family, the next with! And I know exactly what you mean about getting attached to the LO's - it would be difficult not to when you are sent photos and videos and have read so much about them, and the FC's have 'brought them to life' by talking about their little ways and personalities.
Did anyone else find the time between being linked and having matching panel the hardest? Just wondering as I am literally ticking the days off, and I am sure the hours too! Because you feel (like Lemon said) that you can't imagine life without them, it feels strange that they are not with you already.
Good luck doing your DVD today Lemon. I await your ideas! I know how important it is for the LO's to see you, hear your voice etc. DH says he feels a bit of a numpty doing a dvd, but then we don't have to watch it time and time again - its the poor FC's who do!
Wobally - lovely to hear from you, and I can not believe it has been that long already - you're a veteran now! And I am sure you only look 10 years older in your mind - you'll just look like a normal tired but beautiful and happy mummy to everybody else. Congratulations to little wobally for doing his first year at school bless him.
Got to rush off now, but love to everyone else, and keep posting!
Hi everyone I hope all is well.
Josie: I'm very nervous about MP I just want it to be a yes so much and it seems to be taking ages even though I have found the process to have gone quick.
Well we filmed all the footage yesterday for the DVD and taken lots of photos, DH is doing the editing tonight.
We introduce ourselves as mummy & daddy outside the house first and showing the living room and kitchen etc... We also did some filming of reading a book peppa pig, blowing bubbles outside, we both did some singing heads shoulders Knees and toes, which was to funny!! We did some finger painting and meal at the table. Our LO loves music so we are going to put some music in the background of some of her favourite tunes.
I don't know what it will look like in the end when DH has worked his magic. SW is coming round tomorrow to see what we have done...SW might change her mind about us when she watches the DVD!! Lol I will feel sorry for the FC!
We haven't filmed her bedroom as we are not buying anything until we have been approved at MP but we have decided once approved we will do the bedroom straight away and do another quick film of her bedroom and send it to FC before we start intros.
When do you go to MP is it soon? Have you brought anything yet for LO? It's so hard knowing what to do for the best but we decided to buy after MP just in case, we know roughly what to get so it shouldn't be to bad xx
Josie: I'm very nervous about MP I just want it to be a yes so much and it seems to be taking ages even though I have found the process to have gone quick.
Well we filmed all the footage yesterday for the DVD and taken lots of photos, DH is doing the editing tonight.
We introduce ourselves as mummy & daddy outside the house first and showing the living room and kitchen etc... We also did some filming of reading a book peppa pig, blowing bubbles outside, we both did some singing heads shoulders Knees and toes, which was to funny!! We did some finger painting and meal at the table. Our LO loves music so we are going to put some music in the background of some of her favourite tunes.
I don't know what it will look like in the end when DH has worked his magic. SW is coming round tomorrow to see what we have done...SW might change her mind about us when she watches the DVD!! Lol I will feel sorry for the FC!
We haven't filmed her bedroom as we are not buying anything until we have been approved at MP but we have decided once approved we will do the bedroom straight away and do another quick film of her bedroom and send it to FC before we start intros.
When do you go to MP is it soon? Have you brought anything yet for LO? It's so hard knowing what to do for the best but we decided to buy after MP just in case, we know roughly what to get so it shouldn't be to bad xx
Hi Everyone
Lovely to hear from you Wobally.
Just wanted to wish Josie and Lemon good luck with MP. You will both be fine its a lot easier than your first panel and you have both social workers fighting your corner too.
I never did a DVD but you sound like you had fun doing it Lemon.
Ms C hope all going good for you too.
All ok with me I had my 2nd independant review last week which really seemed to upset Little T. When they had gone he made me ring his social worker (I pretended) and I had to tell he he wanted to stay with me and that he loved me! He was upset whilst they were at my house so he didnt tell her and he was worried she would have forgot! He had nightmares for a few nights after too waking up and saying he was having bed dreams that he had lost me and couldnt find me! Bless him. Thankfully I now have all the paperwork i need to put my court papers in so I am going to get that done this week.
Does anyone know how often I should get social worker visits now after the 2nd review?
Right sorry its short and sweet but I am shattered. God knows why I do less now than I have done for years yet I dont have 5 mins LOL I love it
Take care everyone.
Lovely to hear from you Wobally.
Just wanted to wish Josie and Lemon good luck with MP. You will both be fine its a lot easier than your first panel and you have both social workers fighting your corner too.
I never did a DVD but you sound like you had fun doing it Lemon.
Ms C hope all going good for you too.
All ok with me I had my 2nd independant review last week which really seemed to upset Little T. When they had gone he made me ring his social worker (I pretended) and I had to tell he he wanted to stay with me and that he loved me! He was upset whilst they were at my house so he didnt tell her and he was worried she would have forgot! He had nightmares for a few nights after too waking up and saying he was having bed dreams that he had lost me and couldnt find me! Bless him. Thankfully I now have all the paperwork i need to put my court papers in so I am going to get that done this week.
Does anyone know how often I should get social worker visits now after the 2nd review?
Right sorry its short and sweet but I am shattered. God knows why I do less now than I have done for years yet I dont have 5 mins LOL I love it

Take care everyone.
Sar x
Jess, (Lemon) your DVD sounds like fun! Next thing you know it will be on Cbeebies! I think we will stick to a similar format, Introductions, song and story then see you soons. Neither me nor DH can sing - but I have drawn the short straw and have to sing - voice of an angel i have not! Oh well. DH gets to read the story instead lucky thing.
Haven't had MP yet, but not long to wait now - haven't had the conformation letter for times etc but the date is approaching fast - and yet doesn't seem to be getting any closer. This wait is very difficult. But then I was thinking, is the wait between a (hopefully) yes and meeting the child even more difficult? Or are you so busy running around getting ready that it flies by?
Sar, so great to hear that all is going well. Bless little T. I read your message out to my DH and we were saying how difficult it must be for these little ones with the worry that they may be taken as they have been before. The friends I ave spoken about before, if you remember the younger DD took all the visits and reviews in her stride as she didn't really understand it all, but the DS found it very hard, and it was only after the court date, when that judge showed him the paperwork, that he visibly relaxed his shoulders and peace came to his face. It was a moment I will never forget.
Oh, and Sar, I am sure you are loving not having 5 minutes peace - you wouldn't have it any other way, you are like a duck to water with being little T's mummy. Have you read little T that book by Jill Murphy? Five minutes peace?!
Mel - the 3rd July has passed, so I reckon you'll be celebrating finishing the end of your course and looking busily for TA roles for September. Congratulations for finishing hun. xxx
Elizabeth, i read on your other thread that DH wasn't being as supportive as he might be. Hang in there lovely. But ultimately do what is best for you and those lovely children xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi to everyone else who is still reading too.
Jess, (Lemon) your DVD sounds like fun! Next thing you know it will be on Cbeebies! I think we will stick to a similar format, Introductions, song and story then see you soons. Neither me nor DH can sing - but I have drawn the short straw and have to sing - voice of an angel i have not! Oh well. DH gets to read the story instead lucky thing.
Haven't had MP yet, but not long to wait now - haven't had the conformation letter for times etc but the date is approaching fast - and yet doesn't seem to be getting any closer. This wait is very difficult. But then I was thinking, is the wait between a (hopefully) yes and meeting the child even more difficult? Or are you so busy running around getting ready that it flies by?
Sar, so great to hear that all is going well. Bless little T. I read your message out to my DH and we were saying how difficult it must be for these little ones with the worry that they may be taken as they have been before. The friends I ave spoken about before, if you remember the younger DD took all the visits and reviews in her stride as she didn't really understand it all, but the DS found it very hard, and it was only after the court date, when that judge showed him the paperwork, that he visibly relaxed his shoulders and peace came to his face. It was a moment I will never forget.
Oh, and Sar, I am sure you are loving not having 5 minutes peace - you wouldn't have it any other way, you are like a duck to water with being little T's mummy. Have you read little T that book by Jill Murphy? Five minutes peace?!
Mel - the 3rd July has passed, so I reckon you'll be celebrating finishing the end of your course and looking busily for TA roles for September. Congratulations for finishing hun. xxx
Elizabeth, i read on your other thread that DH wasn't being as supportive as he might be. Hang in there lovely. But ultimately do what is best for you and those lovely children xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi to everyone else who is still reading too.
Hi Ladies
Exciting times ahead with MPs and then intros....Josie, the waiting from a Yes to intros is hard but also full on
Finishing work, getting everything ready for Lo and trying to get some rest, intros will be here before you know it.
Sar, sorry Lo was unsettled by the review meeting, it is a lot for them to deal with. Hope you don't have too long a wait for court.
We didn't do a dvd, FC didn't want one, but we did do a recordable story book and a tomy talking picture book, also laminted A4 photos of us.
Yes, I handed in my portfolio yesterday
It was quite a strange day, saying goodbye to the others and handing over the folder. It will be October by the time I get the certificates (get 2, 1 for L3 cert & 1 for diploma).
With DD starting preschool in Sept I have decided to continue volunteering but in KS1 for next term and look to see if anything comes up for Jan 2014. However, that will depend on DS and how he is doing by then. I've been fighting to get him some support and finally had a meeting with a PAS SW today. SW was very good and has already arranged an adult only meeting with camhs and has said that I can't even consider working with DS's needs as they are so has gone off to talk to the adoption manager about financial support. We are also in the process of sorting an extension to the downstairs to easy the stress levels and be able to supervise the children all the time but still do things like cooking dinner. I wouldn't be without either child but it really is difficult living with attachment difficulties and a toddler!
Mel xx
Exciting times ahead with MPs and then intros....Josie, the waiting from a Yes to intros is hard but also full on

Sar, sorry Lo was unsettled by the review meeting, it is a lot for them to deal with. Hope you don't have too long a wait for court.
We didn't do a dvd, FC didn't want one, but we did do a recordable story book and a tomy talking picture book, also laminted A4 photos of us.
Yes, I handed in my portfolio yesterday

With DD starting preschool in Sept I have decided to continue volunteering but in KS1 for next term and look to see if anything comes up for Jan 2014. However, that will depend on DS and how he is doing by then. I've been fighting to get him some support and finally had a meeting with a PAS SW today. SW was very good and has already arranged an adult only meeting with camhs and has said that I can't even consider working with DS's needs as they are so has gone off to talk to the adoption manager about financial support. We are also in the process of sorting an extension to the downstairs to easy the stress levels and be able to supervise the children all the time but still do things like cooking dinner. I wouldn't be without either child but it really is difficult living with attachment difficulties and a toddler!
Mel xx
After years of tx and heartache we are having a family via adoption. 2yr old DS moved in June 08, AO granted 18/12/08 - A Forever Family
Dec 09 starting again for #2
May 10 approved for #2...Found our daughter, can't wait to meet her 

Hi everyone
Josie enjoy making your DVD we did have fun making it and I hope it isn't to long to your MP and you are on your way to intros
Sar I was at a meeting yesterday with SW talking about intros etc.. And they did mention after the 2nd review the SW worker keeps visiting every 6 months until you have gone to court.
Just a quick update we went to MP yesterday and we got a yes from panel. We are both over the moon and can't wait to meet our LO for the first time. We start intros next Thursday and we will be really busy this weekend preparing : )
Josie enjoy making your DVD we did have fun making it and I hope it isn't to long to your MP and you are on your way to intros
Sar I was at a meeting yesterday with SW talking about intros etc.. And they did mention after the 2nd review the SW worker keeps visiting every 6 months until you have gone to court.
Just a quick update we went to MP yesterday and we got a yes from panel. We are both over the moon and can't wait to meet our LO for the first time. We start intros next Thursday and we will be really busy this weekend preparing : )
Oh my goodness, brilliant news jess! Well done you two. Now get yourselves to the shops tomorrow and start buying!!! Xxx hoping to tell you all similar news those time next week! Xxx
Mel, probably a good decision to continue volunteering for a while whilst ds gets the support he needs. You are a brilliant mum who's doing everything ou can for those lovely kids of yours xxx
Mel, probably a good decision to continue volunteering for a while whilst ds gets the support he needs. You are a brilliant mum who's doing everything ou can for those lovely kids of yours xxx
Hi Josie
I hope you are well, don't know exactly when you go to panel but just to wish you good luck and we found it more relax than first panel even tho still very nervous.
we meet our daughter for the first time tomorrow, we are both excited and very nervous and we hope she likes us.
hope everyone else is ok xx
I hope you are well, don't know exactly when you go to panel but just to wish you good luck and we found it more relax than first panel even tho still very nervous.
we meet our daughter for the first time tomorrow, we are both excited and very nervous and we hope she likes us.
hope everyone else is ok xx
Well ladies. It's been an emotional but amazing day. Pleased to announce that matching panel said YES and we are now soon to be proud parents to two lovely little girls. Feeling so much love right now. It's an amazing feeling. Youngest one less than a year old. They are so beautiful. Want to say thanks for everyone's support on here. You have given loads of great advice over the past year. Lots of love to all xxx