Lupus anticoagulant

Further investigations and immunology issues.

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Lupus anticoagulant

Am new to the forum but not new to Care. I had a blood test recently (not fertility related) and tested positive for Lupus Anticoagulant - mentioned it to my consultant when made contact about re-starting IUI and was dismayed to be told about the link to frequent miscarriage with this. Have been prescribed medication for the cycle to try to help with this but am very anxious particularly when the side effects of one of the medications is haemorrhage.

Has anyone else has a similar experience?
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Re: Lupus anticoagulant

Hi VF, I am the same. I have lupus anticoagulant. I have done tie many years. I was referred to heamothologist in hospital and was told I would need to take blood thinning injections throughout the pregnancy and 6 weeks after.

When I came to care 6 years ago I gave that information to my ivf consultant. The ivf consultant put me immune protocol for ivf, due to some fertility tests I had done.

I took blood thinning injections, aspirin all through my pregnancy. Normal ivf drugs for oestrogen and progesterone first 12 weeks. And immune drugs steroids and intralipid first 12 weeks. After taking these drugs in my ivf treatment it was the first I got pregnant via ivf where the embryo took. However, i starts to bleed around the time of my period and my pregnancy ended.

We tried again this time I had a endometrial scratch in the cycle and same protocol with all the drugs. We had two embryos transferred as I was nearly 40 we could. We got BFP, only one embryo took and had our DD, after trying for nearly 4 years.

We have now done another cycle after 5 years same protocol s”and I’m on blood thinner injections, aspirin, immune drugs, had scratch done and two embryos transferred and expecting again currently 11 weeks pregnant we one baby.

I can’t remember if I take aspirin due to my age or due me having lupus anticoagulant.

I have to say my lupus symptoms are very mild. Can I ask have you had any immune tests with having lupus?

I hope this helps xx
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Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2023 11:12 pm

Re: Lupus anticoagulant


I am on my 5th FET with 1st turning into early loss in 5 weeks, 3 transfers after that were negative. After which we did some more blood tests and found out about having lupus anticoagulant. Protocol was changed at the 5th transfer with addition of aspirin and anticoagulant injection everyday from the day of transfer and usual progesterone tablets and pessaries. It was again positive this time on the day of test only to find out 6 days later (today) I have lost it again 🥺 I am so heartbroken again!

I still have 3 more FEs in the freezer. I was advised for the endometrial scratch too but I didn't accept it due to cost vs benefit reasons. Is it worth going for the scratch?

I also have pcos but have a 30 days long regularish period cycle.

Has anyone been in the same situation as me and succeeded to have a successful pregnancy or is in similar situation? I am very low right now.. 😞

Thank you in advance.
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